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Study: Physical education at college level is in bad shape

PE at College Level in Bad Shape


I’m going to step out of my usual third-person writing voice for a moment. As a parent I received a letter last week from the Kansas State Board of Education, informing me that my children’s school district had been placed on “improvement” status for failing to meet “adequate yearly progress” under the No Child Left Behind law.

I thought it ironic that our schools were judged inadequate by people who haven’t set foot in them, so I wrote a letter to my local newspaper. Predictably, my letter elicited a deluge of comments in the paper’s online forum. Many remarks came from armchair educators and anti-teacher, anti-public school evangelists quick to discredit anything I had to say under the rationale of “he’s a teacher.” What could a teacher possibly know about education?

Countless arguments used to denigrate public school teachers begin with the phrase “in what other profession….” and conclude with practically anything the anti-teacher pundits find offensive about public education. Due process and collective bargaining are favorite targets, as are the erroneous but tightly held beliefs that teachers are under-worked, over-paid (earning million-dollar pensions), and not accountable for anything.

In what other profession, indeed.

In what other profession are the licensed professionals considered the LEAST knowledgeable about the job? You seldom if ever hear “that guy couldn’t possibly know a thing about law enforcement – he’s a police officer”, or “she can’t be trusted talking about fire safety – she’s a firefighter.”

In what other profession is experience viewed as a liability rather than an asset? You won’t find a contractor advertising “choose me – I’ve never done this before”, and your doctor won’t recommend a surgeon on the basis of her “having very little experience with the procedure”.

In what other profession is the desire for competitive salary viewed as proof of callous indifference towards the job? You won’t hear many say “that lawyer charges a lot of money, she obviously doesn’t care about her clients”, or “that coach earns millions – clearly he doesn’t care about the team.”

But look around. You’ll find droves of armchair educators who summarily dismiss any statement about education when it comes from a teacher. Likewise, it’s easy to find politicians, pundits, and profiteers who refer to our veteran teachers as ineffective, overpriced “dead wood”. Only the rookies could possibly be any good, or worth the food-stamp-eligible starting salaries we pay them.

And if teachers dare ask for a raise, this is taken by many as clear evidence that teachers don’t give a porcupine’s posterior about kids. In fact, some say if teachers really cared about their students they would insist on earning LESS money.

If that entire attitude weren’t bad enough, what other profession is legally held to PERFECTION by 2014? Are police required to eliminate all crime? Are firefighters required to eliminate all fires? Are doctors required to cure all patients? Are lawyers required to win all cases? Are coaches required to win all games? Of course they aren’t.

For no other profession do so many outsiders refuse to accept the realities of an imperfect world. Crime happens. Fire happens. Illness happens. As for lawyers and coaches, where there’s a winner there must also be a loser. People accept all these realities, until they apply to public education.

If a poverty-stricken, drug-addled meth-cooker burns down his house, suffers third degree burns, and then goes to jail; we don’t blame the police, fire department, doctors, and defense attorneys for his predicament. But if that kid doesn’t graduate high school, it’s clearly the teacher’s fault.

And if someone – anyone - tries to tell you otherwise; don’t listen. He must be a teacher.(Written by David Rebar , Kansas )





"I just don't get it " WE have a health care crisis and the politicos seem to put that on the back burner each time there is a resurface of what to do . No, this isn't a political statement , but one that will hopefully leave an impression within our group . Did I say , I just don't get it? Just today , while I was doing my daily walk using the pedometerGPS+ to track my workouts , I watched a senior Zumba class in action . At the same time , there is a toddler play area on the other side of the gym curtain. I noticed one of the toddlers mimicking the class , and he did quite well for a two year old. [ a body has been snatched and a child learns why and how to move]

That is when a light bulb went off , we need to do the same as PE teachers with anybody who will listen and take part in the NEW PE philosophy . That includes , students , core teachers , parents , administrators , community , health agencies and legislators. It is our job to be invaders and seek out the work of body snatchers. Yes, its just like the tentacles reaching to envelope all available bodies for a transformation . It is similar to a network made by spiders in their webs and ants in their colonies. There is a constant need to garner more help and continue the networking process. And , teachers can be the Queen Bee , the King of the Colony or the Body of Invaders to attract more suspects when they least expect it.

No, I haven't lost my mind , but this process has been in the works for over 30 years. I have worked very hard to advocate saving PE , sharing with others ,and possibly changed some lives or given ways in attempt to help people make a correct turn when the road comes to the proverbial ."Y". How , we are salesman and its our job to make a sale . For example , when I was babysitting(years ago) and walking the kiddos , with my pedometer , the question came up what I was tracking . Well, it started with 2 walkers and ended up with 10, body snatchers. The same can be said for a walking program for the neighborhood that met each week with students and parents , that was followed by a fitness trail for the community. If you want to snatch more bodies, you have to volunteer in the community. They pay your salary and its time to give them a bang for their buck . Oh yes, one of the snatchers was an ex-student , who later became a member of the school board and on the recreation committee. He was the ame person that made headway for a gym of my own(after 10 years) , instead of moving tables , desks and chairs and overhanging lights that swayed in peril. This led to many more body snatchers and advocacy for PE like never before , circa, 1995 until 2002). This was about the time Phil Lawler and Naperville came on the scene and started a whirlwind of excitement , and I was introduced to the moderator of Naspe-Talk , John Hichwa .

Nowadays, as I pass LA Fitness and local gyms there isn't a parking place to be found. At my North Park Lake area (PA.), you will see hikers, walkers, bikers, kayakers, pickleball, tennis , golf course , fishing and anything that is active. My community gym is filled with seniors , toddlers , zumbanistas and anything that shows how people move , yes, eat less and move more ! These people got it !!! Yet, budgets are tearing PE to shambles and the health of the country has seen more problems with obesity , heart and cancer than ever before. Isn't it a fact that movement of all kinds can help ward off illness and diseases that cost the insured millions of dollars ? It is our quest to invade , snatch and knock some sense into each states governor and slap some sense into them . These people mentioned in the fitness area and gyms GET IT and now we have to do the same in our classes.

It isn't difficult to make yourself visible . We are now armed with technology and devices that have broadened our intelligence beyond what we ever dreamed about. WE have discussion groups , conventions , conferences and in-services to train us in all aspects of quality education . But, who knows about it ? Once the door is closed to our inner sanctums(gym /playing fields) , who really understands what we do ? It is exemplary to invite the parents and public to view our classes and add one more body snatcher to the mix. Your expertise can be noted in newspaper articles or even TV , which I did on the PBS network. There are a myriad of teachers and programs across the country that are PE 4 Life Schools , and fantastic teachers that we just don't know about. Their everywhere and there are sites like LinkedIn , which is a networking process to find why they are successful, along with the Facebook groups called ,PE 1 and PE Central with over 500 members and growing each day.

I shall end with some final requests and ask if you ever experienced the following : wake up in the middle of the night and write down on paper an idea that came to your mind : spend time helping in the community; given a presentation at school or at a convention ; volunteered to speak at a PTA function ; changed from the OLD PE to the NEW PE ; wrote an article for the newspaper ; started an exercise program for teachers after school ; spoke at a school board or presenting a program ; had a GYM Show / program for the parents and community ; took part in the various walks ,such as Alzheimers , Cancer or Heart Associations.

Time is up , "gotta " track my workouts , bring out the Itouch , use Sports-tracker and PedometerGPS+ and set an individual record to beat a previous performance. Along the way , I will be looking out and invading new ways to snatch some bodies with the hope "they get it" and pass it along until the tentacles and webs reach out until everybody gets it when they(budget-cutters) determine to be bring the axe to PE . It will weild a victory for all who care about the person who needs to understand why "we get it."

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Check blogs for the article from the toolbar or check back in a few days when it's approved , IF YOU DARE



3 R'S for Teachers
RESPECT – ■Always speak courteously ■Accept individual differences ■Recognize positive behavior often ■Include the students in the decision-making process periodically ■Listen carefully to what students have to say ■Eliminate elimination games ■Play no-human target games ■Use a whistle only when refereeing ■Learn every student’s name
RESPONSIBILITY ■Understand child development ■Be organized ■Plan thoroughly, taking the needs of the whole child into consideration ■Be consistent and fair ■Cultivate a warm and caring environment ■Provide developmentally appropriate equipment ■Plan for maximum participation ■Stay physically fit
RESOURCEFULNESS ■Create opportunities for students to chart their own progress and be self-responsible ■Provide challenges for students to work at their own levels frequently ■Include motivating music when appropriate ■Vary your warm-up for interest and motivation ■Keep drills progressive, challenging, varied, and fun ■Plan opportunities for student creativity ■Think of meaningful ways to include your administration, colleagues, and parents in promoting your program ■Use innovative equipment ■Provide opportunities for teacher-student interactions
The teacher who is a good role model for the three R’s and has established a positive learning environment in which students regularly demonstrate respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness, can depend on the class to work effectively independently.
The teacher can then work with one group while the rest of the class is actively involved and working on its own. Small-group interaction personalizes teaching and is a strong motivational tactic.

3 R'S for Students

Be thoughtful ■Be helpful ■Use good listening skills ■Be willing to share and take turns ■Accept and follow rules ■Talk in a friendly manner ■Call each other by name
Answer for your own behavior ■Take good care of the equipment ■Stay physically fit ■Remember your gym clothes ■Follow directions ■Try your best ■Be honest and fair ■Be cooperative ■Evaluate yourself fairly
■Share your ideas when appropriate ■Figure out ways to improve your skills ■Work up to your potential ■Set personal goals and strategies and develop a plan to meet them ■Be creative ■Be an effective problem solver


Check back often to chat with the PE1 group that was started at Facebook by Howie Weiss  . Watch for upcoming events.



My You Tube plea for PE


Click on these links to open up the videos that gives information about the importance of P.E. and P.R.

Obesity and PR

Start the clip around the 2:00 minute mark from the Pittsburgh360 icon . It will highlight a PE and Health class along with nutrition for some great PR . It was televised by PBS at a nearby middle school near Pittsburgh . Look for the March24th(2011) issue with the Highmark initiative.

11 Tips to Help Decrease Inappropriate Behavior



Is it true what they say about that “one bad apple in the bunch”? We all know there are many different kinds of apples in our classes, and while some may be a little sweeter than others, they all contribute to a healthy bushel. Here are eleven tips to help decrease inappropriate behavior and help keep your physical education class as sweet as possible:

  1. Engage children in activity as soon as possible by keeping instructions short and concise.
  2. Remember to “teach from the perimeter.” If indoors, keep your “back to the wall.” Move to visit all children without turning your back on any.
  3. Use a musical activity when children’s attention becomes low and there is a need for a quick distraction enhanced with music.
  4. Children covet individual attention. When a child is modeling desired behaviors, say the child’s name for all to hear when providing positive and specific feedback.
  5. Provide individual feedback when the class is engaged in activity rather than calling attention to the negative behavior for all to hear.
  6. Use proximity control. Move closer to the child.
  7. To ensure the safety of all, if a child is endangering others have the child stand next to you and observe others on task. When you see the child is ready to participate safely, get the child engaged as soon as possible.
  8. Minimize distractions.
  9. When outdoors, strive to keep the children’s backs to the sun.
  10. If another class is present, position your class to face a different way.
  11. When using manipulatives begin with exploration time for children to just play. Remember to have children place manipulatives on the floor when giving instructions.


The following are some recommendations for change which we can make NOW:
1.We must adopt the philosophy that physical education is- for all people, regardless of ability. We must recognize that skills and fitness are important only as they help students to become fully functioning healthy individuals.
2.We must put every effort into requiring elementary school physical education in every school (with a qualified physical education teacher). If physical education is important at any level it is most important here. The 1990 goals for the nation support this contention. We must become activists on this issue.
3.At the middle, junior, and senior high school level we must provide problem solving courses in fitness which teach all students to become good fitness and exercise consumers. Such courses must be based on personal needs, interests and abilities (Corbin, 1978).
4.We must modify middle, junior, and senior high school programs to allow students to make personal choices of skills and activities. For too long our students have been turned off to activities which they know they will never do after they get out of school. We need to ask students what they want to learn.
5.We must modify classes so that longer periods allow longer dressing time to allow students to have time to dry their hair and get ready for the remainder of the school day. We must put an end to the military type locker room. Many locker room experiences are what produce feelings about physical education. As adults we would not put up with common dress codes and locker room policies. Why should we ask kids to? Would you join a health club which was run like many physical education classes?
6.We must realize that physical education does not stop after the school years. Those who will work in fitness centers, hospitals and other similar settings are teachers even though they will not teach in schools. They are NOT exercise scientists or exercise physiologists as they would like to call themselves! If we do not teach these professionals to realize that they are teachers who must meet the needs of their clients, we will lose out to less qualified "exercise" enthusiasts.
7.We must police our profession. We must certify all professionals to make sure they are qualified. We must do something to rid ourselves of those who do not do the job.
8.We must make sure our teacher preparation institutions do the job. This means preparing professionals with a good understanding of the exercise sciences AND teaching skills. All physical educators, in schools or out of schools, must first be experts in the multiple disciplines of physical education. But by itself, a study of the disciplines is NOT enough. We must make sure that we teach professionals how to teach and how to work with the public. 
Every person can benefit from physical education if we accept the fact that each person can be no better than his or her potential will allow.
Physical education can help each of us look our best, feel good, enjoy life, and be healthy. It can only do this, however, if we recognize that we can't all be champions, but we can each be the best we can be. The time to change is NOW

  • Manner #1 When asking for something, say "Please."
  • Manner #2 When receiving something, say "Thank you."
  • Manner #3 Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.
  • Manner #4 If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation.
  • Manner #5 When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.
  • Manner #6 The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.
  • Manner #7 Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, it's to compliment them, which is always welcome.
  • Manner #8 When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.
  • Manner #9 When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had.
  • Manner #10 Knock on closed doors -- and wait to see if there's a response -- before entering.
  • Manner #11 When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.
  • Manner #12 Be appreciative and say "thank you" for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect.
  • Manner #13 Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant.
  • Manner #14 Don't call people mean names.
  • Manner #15 Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.
  • Manner #16 Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best.
  • Manner #17 If you bump into somebody, immediately say "Excuse me."
  • Manner #18 Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don't pick your nose in public.
  • Manner #19 As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
  • Manner #20 If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say "yes," do so -- you may learn something new.
  • Manner #21 When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile.
  • Manner #22 When someone helps you, say "thank you." That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers!
  • Manner #23 Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do.
  • Manner #24 Keep a napkin on your lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary.
  • Manner #25 Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.

    There are 50 podcasts that include information in health , physical education , games , activities , brain gym , technology and  15 minute lessons . Click the link below to access the podcasts  or click on Visit My Call from the red, Talkshoe badge(not the one posted here). Choose the down arrow to scroll through the list of podcasts  as an alternative. Enjoy !

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    Talkshoe Podcasts



    Check out the following PowerPoint , called Game Plan , for  a presentation that was posted at the West Virginia convention {November 11-13 at Canaan Valley } Within each box in slide #3 , use a yes or no answer to each request what you have done . For example , in the homepage , web page box , have you visited any PE Internet sites / and have your own PE homepage. One of the most important is how have you advocated PE . Or have you been to a convention and or presented there?

    Click refresh to play the episodes if you leave the start page !







    John Wooden Speech on Success

    BITS and BYTES(click here)



    The Bits and Bytes site  was my original PE  Homepage and anybody can peruse this homepage and return as often as you like. Don't forget to take the PE poll while you are there.


Here you will access my favorite activities , games and public relations tools to enhance your curriculum .

On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll introduce myself and talk about my reasons  why I think PE should be an integral part of the curriculum

#1 :  Students demonstrate the knowledge and physical skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities.
 1.1  demonstrate developmentally appropriate locomotor, nonlocomotor, rhythmic, and manipulative skills;
 1.2  demonstrate movement concepts, which include levels, directions, ranges, pathways, flow, force, and time;
 1.3  transfer and apply previously learned motor skills to various sport/movement    forms;
 1.4 apply rules, strategies, and concepts to a variety of physical activities;
 1.5 demonstrate skill/performance related fitness;
 1.6  demonstrate knowledge of biomechanical principles; and
 1.7  utilize technology to meet physical standards.
M-F 3:30
#2:Students demonstrate knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
 2.1  identify the role that nutrition plays in relation to physical activity;
 2.2  identify skills used to cope with different types of stress that can affect health and performance;
 2.3  understand how a drug-free (drugs, alcohol, tobacco) lifestyle can increase the quality of physical performance and health-related fitness;
 2.4  demonstrate the ability to obtain valid health information as it pertains to the effects on physical performance;
 2.5 compare and contrast the effects of a physically active versus sedentary lifestyle; and
 2.6 utilize technology to meet physical education standards.
M-F 3:30
#3:Students know and demonstrate a physically active lifestyle.
3.1  participate in a variety of physical activities;
 3.2  choose physical activities that provide self-expression, social interaction, and opportunities for creativity;
 3.3  have the skills and  knowledge to maintain an active lifestyle;
 3.4  understand how physical activity changes throughout life;
 3.5 utilize technology to meet physical education standards; and
 3.6  understand how physical fitness and motor skills contribute to productive employment.
M-F 3:30

#4:Students assess, achieve, and maintain personal fitness levels.
4.1  demonstrate knowledge of health-related fitness components that include cardiorespiratory endurance (heart and lung), muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition (ratio of lean body mass to body fat);
 4.2 demonstrate knowledge of skill-related fitness components that include agility, speed, reaction time, coordination, balance, and power;
 4.3  demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary to monitor and adjust activity levels to personal fitness needs;
 4.4 design a personal fitness program; and
 4.5  utilize technology to meet physical education standards.

#5 : Students demonstrate responsible personal and social behaviors.
 5.1 develop positive self-concept by assessing skills, setting individual goals, accepting feedback;
 5.2  develop age-appropriate social and emotional behavior through communication, problem solving, and critical thinking;
  5.3 make safe and responsible choices about using time, applying rules, and following through with decisions;
 5.4  develop behaviors that promote personal and group success during physical activity;
 5.5  demonstrate cooperation, teamwork, and ethical behavior in team sports;
 5.6 demonstrate a willingness to participate in learning new or different physical activities with students of varying abilities;
 5.7 develop respect for different cultures through participation in integrated activities
  where students learn international sports, dances, and games; and
 5.8 utilize technology to meet physical education standards.

What's New?

Here I will add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change.
As a new school year comes upon you , it is imperative that (we) should investigate ways to exploit P.E. as a public relation tool. In this way, we will calm the naysayers, introduce more teachers to the NEW P.E., and incorporate ways to win over the parents , administration ,community and School Board.
Good luck and please continue to be the best you can be and have a GREAT YEAR !
This year , I would like to clamor the cry for what is called the "Perfect Storm ". This means its a great time to combine the energy crisis and family into one unit. Find ways to include activities around the house and neighborhood to a lifetime of fitness. It takes the form of utilizing homemade equipment and optional ways to keep MOVING. It doesn't matter what type of wheels from a bike to a scooterboard. or , use the house and garden to emply the family to work together.
There is a podcast that deals with this topic. Please click on the blue badge to chose episode # 40 to listen to some ideas.Also, check out all the other episodes that are free to download. So, instead of sitting in front of the TV , try using a Wii Fit board to bowl , golf and exercise.Keep moving . Make a fitness calendar,which can be accessed from the left pane of my web site.( click on fitness calendars)
Make sure to keep a daily log or make a blog/journal to keep track of all activities.Remember to pass it along. If there are any walks in your area just sign up and take the pledge of fitness for all.
Take every opportunity to find ways to join in with others in walking , running, and sharing. Good luck !

31 Days to a Better You ! Day 1- Watch the bowl games ,but don't double dip the Nacho's ,it will lead to another unfortunate "bowl" .
Day 2 - Join the YMCA , or do the YMCA song ,or get as many people/students as you can to perform a group YMCA for a school record
Day3 - Work in the garden ,or eat from it( carrots, greens ) Day4- Use household utensils and workout with them( no gym charge here)
Day 5- Become a techie , learn how to use the PC for more than email ; instant message a game or idea with others ,make a pod cast
Day 6- Volunteer for everything to share (your) expertise
Day 7- Start a P.R. campaign for quality P.E.
Day 8- Take part in a walk(M.S., etc.) and support a healthy lifestyle
Day 9- Make your worst class your best class or a particular student
Day10- Make arrangements to take care of (you) with annual doctor visits ,and stick with it throughout all the years
Day 11- Help neighbors shovel snow, yard work , sweep, lawn care, etc.
Day 12- Get off the couch during each TV Ad and workout
Day 13- Work closely with (your) Principal
Day 14- Don't forget to work with all support personnel in a professional manner
Day 15- Work with the art and music teachers in all integrative projects
Day 16- Establish a gym show or field day - invite the community , school board and parents .
Day 17- Find time to relax- read a book , try yoga , listen to an audio book or take a class different from P.E.
Day 18- Change the way we approach "goodies" and substitute chips/cookies for veggies
Day 19 - Use extra time to walk , run, bike or any time of movement other than making a "butt' mark in the couch
Day 20 - Want to feel better and make a difference - read to the blind, spend time and offer help at various hospitals and work with the less fortunate
Day 21- Park your car far from the Mall , walk the walk, and use the stairs , not escalators
Day 22- Speak at a PTA/PTO meeting and explain what goes on in your classes
Day 23- At each opening and closing of the school year - do an in-service for all the teachers
Day 24- Plan ahead if the duty time crosses over into instruction time-prepare the area for any unforeseen circumstances
Day 25- Join any organizations that are related to health ,physical education , dance and recreation
Day 26- Prepare the gym area and playing field with all safety consideration in tact
Day 27- Keep a diary , blog or portfolio that will be used for any future dealings with parents or administration ( do a daily inspection -you need proof)
Day 28 - Always keep a first aid kit, cell phone and emergency numbers ready to alert 911 , parents and the Principal
Day 29- Keep the communication lines open with (your) teaching staff ,and be able to disagree agreeably-make sure the staff is all on the same page
Day 30- Be a positive role model - show you maintain a healthy lifestyle and are professional -your students think you are the greatest teacher - don't let them think otherwise
Day 31 - Don't be afraid to fail - try something new - ask for help- seek out answers - use the Internet , look at other programs that have been successful- contact the newspaper and show off your PE program- write an article in a HPE magazine- subscribe to related magazines- watch other teachers in action( team teach) - view STUDENTS outside the gym - start a walking /exercise program for seniors /community- and if you have an extra time.....close your eyes , sit back and sayI did it my way

This month I would like to interject an exemplary idea to share ideas with health and physical educators.It is in the form of a podcast , an interactive subscription service from Talkshoe.com
Each episode is filled with valuable inormation in health, P.E., fitness , nutrition and brain gym /integrated learning.
You will have the opportunity to chat, text or voice to share ideas. Please go to the Talkshoe homepage for more details. To access these episodes please click on the following link/icon:

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If you want to be involved in the podcast,please send me your email.
Take the PE POLL below and check back often for the results.

Try another way to get more activity for the month of January 2011 by increasing the amount of 2000 steps to your exercise routine right here:






Click on PE games navigation


I hope to update this page often with new photos and information so you can flip through the pages very easily .....
HAVE A GREAT YEAR(2010/2011)
Links will be provided for past editorials as shown below .