Here are some ideas to start the new school year
- Take a few minutes to jot in a diary thoughts and impressions(lesson was good or bad?why?did a discipline problem
arise and how as it handled?what successes were experienced?each day write what works and what doesn't)
- Personal appointment calendar( faculty meetings, PTA'S , and scheduled observations,document unscheduled events that crop
- Personal survival kit(bandages, suntan lotion,snacks,hand sanitizer,extra sneakers/socks, emergency phone numbers, cell
phone,survival bag)
- Familiarize yourself with the school building and grounds(locate restrooms, nurses office, media center,cafeteria ,AV
equipment, supply closet)check all equipment and include a safety check each day
- Visit the school website(better yet make a PE school homepage to provide valubale information about he school,curriculum
for the community/parents)
- Review school policies and procedures
- Make friends with all support staff( the janitor can be your new best friend)
- Get to know the classroom teachers( get them on your side and prove you are a real teacher,too)
- Establish a rapport and a coooperative working relationship with parents, Principal , community and the School Board
- The first day/week( arrive early and check all equipment and space for safety , SMILEEEEEE , review and explain school
and class rules and procedures, as the class commenses explain and practice class routines, discuss individual goals and expectations,
take digital pictures of each class for the bulletin board)
- Teach students to work together toward excellence(take time to make the classes fell part of a team- class goals to measure
success for everyone -make them feel comfortable and feel that they are safe with you and all activities.
- Have fun , teach developmentally appropriate skills,VOLUNTEER for everything, speak at the PTA, present at conventions
and in-services, join a PE listserv, share with other teachers and PASS IT ALONG !
Only the brave .Only the brave should teach
Only those who love the young should teach
Teaching is a vocation
It is as sacred as the priesthood:as innate a desire,as inescapable as the genius which compels a great artist.
If he has not the concern for humanity, the love of living creatures
the vision of the priest or artist, he must not teach(Pearl Buck).
Survival Tips
- Let students know that you are a "real" person
- If you want students to know that you care about them show them
by greeting them at the door, use eye contact when speaking with
them, show compassion and always be honest.
- Establish procedures in the beginning. Let them know what is
expected of them. Do not make a list of rules telling them what
they can't do. Instead make a student created list of what is
- Review the procedures often at the beginning of the year and
as needed later.
Most of all be consistant.
- Create an atmosphere in the classroom that makes the students feel
- Be realistic in your expectations. Don't expect the students to do
more than they are capable of, this causes anxiety. At the same
time don't make things so easy that they become bored.
- Teach to all learning styles beginning on day one. Remember
that all students do not learn the same way. Give choices whenever
- Learn the students names quickly and use their names when talking
to them.
On each first day that I meet with the students, I do the following, which was done for over 30 years .
- Prepared in the summer ,jotted down all the media,cartoons, TV and ads that they watch or listen to each day( what they
really like to do or watch)
- Examine playgrounds and play areas for ideas what they do for enjoyment and then adapt lessons from them
- Immediately get the class moving after rules and procedures
- Engage in activities that ensure working together,safety and team /class decorum
- Play music to get them excited and shows you are a REAL person that CARES
- Take digital class pictures of each class to be placed on the bulletin board
- Use Hellison's Model of social responsibility along with a rating system for each class( give a certificate to each class
that maintains Hellison's model)
- Engage in activities that are developmentally appropriate
- Use small sided games
- Teach to improve on a previous performance
- IF you had fun, you won !
- Use integrative , and brain based activities
- Establish a cooperative project with other schools using an integrative process( for example:Tele Olympics)
- Get the students involved in all contact with other schools and projects that can be accessed through the Internet.
- Make a school homepage to highlight the curriculum and activities for parents and the community.
- Get involved with the PTA(money/equipment) , community(recreation commitee) and school board(present your students/activities
in what we really do)
- Engage in presentations , conventions, in-services and anything that will promote physical education.