RECIPE : Don’t settle for the same exercises or warm up routines each week . Try something new
and creative , such as an Exercise Box in which a student chooses an exercise card for a designated warm up .
RECIPE :Supervision is management and direction by controlling the situation. You must know the activity
you are supervising .You must always be there in mind , body and spirit.
RECIPE : If there needs to be a division of teams , try this tricky technique. Ask the class to find partners. Tell one of the partners to sit down.
That will divide the groups into those sitting in one group and those standing in the other group.
RECIPE: As a closing ,when the
students are lining up, use a TV model such as Jeopardy and mimic the music , which gives them time to settle themselves and
gives them a warning it is time to listen .(it’s the tune for Final Jeopardy)By the final chord, they should be in place
,looking at you ,and ready to leave the class. This is always a good time to
rehearse all the things that were done in class that day.
Recipe : The fitness calendar
brings in the family unit. Use home made equipment and even make up activities from around the house , during TV ads or anything
that will take the “couch” out of the mix. Of course , if there is a DDR mat or exercise bike , it will provide
a great aerobic workout. Make your own exercise video or slideshow . This brings
in technology and fun at the same time.
Recipe . They do not care how
much you know until they know how much you care.
Recipe : Don’t stick with
only one discipline model. Try new models and then adjust to each class . Change each year and modify what works and what
didn’t .
RECIPE : A unique way to handle
an disagreement is to employ a simple game of Rock, Paper , Scissors . The decision
is final and will resolve the issue in a timely fashion without loss of class
Recipe .( P) is also for play
. The more the students are involve in play , it will be easier for them to be active for
a lifetime. All of life will revolve around their play habits and the ability to keep moving . It will set a trend
to attack the obesity crisis and restructure the way physical education is perceived.
This activity extends far beyond the regular physical education class . It is a carry over into the home and hopefully
, into gym memberships or recreational pursuits . Just as learning never stops , play will continue to thrive with the basic
foundation learned in physical education classes.
Recipe . Make a PE contract for
job responsibilities and jobs to establish ownership and respect for others. Next, give the students a handout with all the
jobs and have them sign up .( along with a description why they may want the job) Hand out equipment , keep score , emergency
patrol , and set up equipment .
Recipe . Make an exercise box
with skills , tasks or exercises that the students chose from a variety of warm-ups that are different each week. Instead
of doing a prescribed exercise routine during the holiday season , do the 12 Days of Fitness Christmas . Play Holiday music
or TV / Movie selections that the students can identify and enjoy.
Recipe. Focus on the mastery of
the skill rather than competitive performance.
Recipe . Keep a diary , notebook
or blog that will serve as a reminder of how the class performed , how you reacted
to any discipline problems or to leave an inspirational message . “ The trouble is if you look behind you and there
is nobody there , it must mean that you have nobody to lead .”
Recipe . After the students use the fitness calendar
and turn it in to the teacher, it will be placed in a special container . From there , during the “lunch “ module
, a few calendars will be chosen to win a healthy treat given by the cafeteria staff.
Also, a fitness bag is sent home with equipment , rubrics ,skills and rules of some lead up games . Each week more
calendars are chosen to repeat the process . As an incentive to incorporate a
lifetime of fitness , the students may make up their own calendars using the makeshift equipment in their homes.
Recipe. Don’t be
limited with the amount of available makeshift equipment or creativity . Always be on the lookout for new things to
work with and make sure to include all family members . Also, incorporate this type of homemade materials in the regular physical
education class. This carry over will entice the students to be active , encourage
independent activity and help with making a personal fitness plan.
Recipe . Even beyond the
classroom or gym , there has to be a directive that will help with the progress
to wellness. If you want to feel absolutely awesome and look your best ,there are ways to make that a possibility .
You must have a dream or vision and focus on the end result. Approach life with a positive
attitude and part of that is to exercise everyday , develop proper nutrition habits and make a commitment to set realistic
goals .
Recipe . Here are some programs
that promote walking and exercise in an integration process by offering pedometers to accumulate miles : America on the Move,
Get Fit on Route 66 and Step Up To Better Fitness and Shape Up America.
Recipe. Obesity has reached epidemic
proportions in the United States and threatens to impact the health and well being of numerous children and adolescents. States
can prevent and reduce obesity by doing the following : Develop policy and program
guidelines for schools , strengthen physical activity requirements , standards and programs, implement nutrition policies
and education programs, fostering school and community partnerships that promote physical activity , and creating public awareness
and education campaigns.
. Use opportunities in real life situations as a cross over for addition to the curriculum. This will encourage participation
, and may even entice” timid” students to be involved in physical education more often.
Develop a curriculum map to check for any
redundancies to ensure a carry over to the next grade level .
Practice the skills of volleying , catching , serving and cooperation before the complete
activity begins. Work in small groups with different types of equipment. Use a scope and sequence of skills , stop the action
during a game, and give comments to improve the understanding of the strategy and skills of the game.
. Our health is everything and without
it our options are limited , our families and careers suffer .Our future is uncertain….but DUCT TAPE is what
pulls it all together .Here are some examples :
Attach hula hoops to the wall for throwing targets
Emergency splint for jammed fingers
Tape all screws, nuts and bolts on hockey/soccer nets
Attach foam insulation to a plunger for a batting tee
Recipe .Any time
you can use an extension from the regular physical education class for the students
to practice at home with family or friends , will be an exemplary carry over for lifelong learners .
Recipe. A game that has existed
for many years can be modified many ways through creativity and imagination . The rules and equipment can be changed. The
media presents a myriad of opportunities ; it can be from a book, television
show , movie or cartoons. A main ingredient is arranging the class into small sided games. Change the height and distance
to accommodate all skill levels. The dessert is the ability to make adjustments . This means when things reach a road
block , you can channel the class into a different direction , and make it work. For
example , in a basketball activity if a student has trouble shooting the ball
at a regulation basket hoop , you can utilize an adjustable , portable hoop , or place a hula hoop on the rim . The weight
or size of the ball can be modified to encompass success for all students
Recipe . There are times in emergency
situation where sign language can be a lifesaver . It can be used to get the attention of the class in tense conditions and
to get them in order promptly. Stop – the edge of the hand comes down on the palm to represent something coming
to a complete stop . Use the Walk sign to prompt them not to panic . Quiet down – the hand moves straight
up and down and then is held for a moment to show that something is not moving.