BALLOON BALL : Give each person a balloon of various
colors. Practice the skills that follow : |
• |
Set up |
• |
Bump |
• |
Dig |
• |
Serve |
• |
Partner pass |
Call out the names of the skills in rapid order
. The students must change on your command...set , set , bump , dig , set , dig ,bump and do so without catching the balloon
. Next , place one balloon on the floor and volley the balloon while reciting the alphabet. The object is to go as far as
possible without the balloon touching the floor . As an alternative have the students hit the balloon off recited(you designate)
body parts without error. |
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Match up the students with two balloons between
partners.One student tosses the balloon to the partner . The other partner hits the balloon (with his/her? balloon) while
the "fielder/pitcher" tries to catch it before it hits the floor. Switch positions often , or change to new partners . |
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Line up all the students on a contact line with
a balloon . On a signal they must hit the balloon to another line about 20-30 feeet away without losing possession . Change
the type of hit each new turn . |
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Arrange as many traffic cones around the gym with
a broken hula hoop inside for a net. The rainbow adaption serves as a guide to hit the balloon over and the cones are a boundry.
The arrangement is played on the knees or tumbling mats. It may be arranged for one on one or small groups by attaching more
cones beside each other. Change to new partners often . |
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Place an equal amount of players on each side of
the net . Near a sideline place a box or container. Have the players toss or hit the ball over the net while the opposing
side will try to catch it before it hits the floor. If caught the ball is placed in the box . The object is to catch more
balls then the other side. Use about 8-10 different type balls for variety .Repeat the prcocess. |
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Set up the net and include two more nets that are
attached to the center and on the b-ball rim(or standards) on each side of the court. The set up will resemble a 4 square
arrangment or quadrant . Give each quadrant an article to toss over the net( game jersey , deck ring , v-ball , paper wads
, balzac |
ball , frisbbee , etc.) the object is to have the
least amount equipment in their quadrant . Repeat the process . |
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Use small 6-8 feet parachutes on each side of the
net with 5-6 partners holding the chute at waist level . Place a ball on each chute and try to flip it over the net . The
opposing side will try to catch it before the ball hits the floor. |
A large blanket can be used as the parachute . A
pre-requite to the activity is to practice tossing the ball off the parachute . Give each student a number and call it as
the others try to flip the ball of f the chute .The number called must catch the ball before it hits the floor . |
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Place one hula hoop on the floor on each side of
the net . The serving team starts with a toss or serve over the net . The receiving team has 3 hits to get the ball to their
partner in the hoop . That person must catch the ball for a score. Repeat with the other team serving. Change hoopplayers
often. |
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Divide the teams into a boys and girls group with
one of those playing and the other on the sideline . Start with a toss up at center court with the Kin Ball or large beach
ball . The object is to hit the backboard or rim of the opposing teams side. Any ball that hits the floor goes to the other
team with a free serve. If the Kin ball hits the board/rim and is caught by an opposing player before the ball hits
the floor - negates the score . A player on the scoring team may not interfere with the negation. Switch positions often.
The sideline must hit he ball to their teammates and stay behind a contact sideline. |
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It must be noted that all of the above activities should follow the simple rule of one piece of equipment for each student
or between partners. Also , all of the activities will have more success when played in small sided games , which will promote
more participation and touch time .
It is important to enable variations , alternatives and modification to met the needs of the students . This will mean
changing the rules , equipment , number of players (even or uneven) and the size of the area. The equipment ranges from balloons
, beachballs , soft covered volleyballs, trainers to regulation volleyballs.
The alternative equipment will give the primary students time to react to the ball , which will ensure more confidence
and success. The skills will be taught first in sequential order and that skill progression will be set up in a scope and
sequence , which is a step by step progression until mastery . Give many opportunities and changes when there is trouble
, such as engaging in activities that allow one bounce or many hits .
The net may be lowered or attach two more nets in a quadrant set up for more activity . In all cases , makeshift equipment
can be introduced for more activity. For example , use badminton nets attached to standards or with the poles in traffic cones
, which will be safely supported. There will be 5-10 activities at once , which will be arranged in grids. This can
be modified with uneven numbers or changing the students within the grid to be exchanged with other groups similar to
a round robin . But, the most imortant detail isn't the final outcome . Game appreciation , working together and practicing
the skills are more important than competition . In many instances , the idea of beating a previous performance will