Grades K-6th



  LETTERMAN .  For each class , there is a Word Wall and a suggestion box to remind

the students to work together and decide their favorite activities , and to make an alphabet

of words /letters to describe physical education . These are placed on a bulletin board 

and changed each year . This served as a checklist and reminder if what the students feel

about what really goes on in physical education class.


A = Active ,attitude ,alligator
B= Bounce a ball or bat the ball , bear ,batting tee
C= Cooperation , catch, crab, crane ,crawl
D= Directions for listening, lame dog, dribble
E= Effort at all times, equipment care , exercise
F= Friends always, frog jump, football , fitness
G= GO 4 IT ,gallop
H= Healthy choices ,hop , hit, hand stand
I= Inch worm
J= Jump , Jumping jacks, juggle
K= Kind to others always , kick
L= Lazy , leap, lunge , learn ,log roll
M= Move , move, move(monkey)
N= Nutrition , eat well and make good choices
O= Overhand throw, obstacle course
P= Pull, push ,pinkies together
Q= Question(s) , don't be afraid to ask
R= Run for your life , and run to live , respect for others
S= Slide in all directions , skip, soccer kick ,seal ,spike, set
T= Tumble , toys , think of others first, throw, trap , thumbs together
U = Understanding of others, underhand toss
V= Victory with vitamins, volley
W= Work together, wiffle ball, walk
X = xcellent behavior at all times
Y= Yelling out is a bad thing
Z = Zoo animal walks


The students scatter around the gym in free space. Each student had a “stickem” of

masking tape with a letter stuck near their shoulder area.* On a signal , they must find

others to work together to spell out a word from the list .* Points were given for the

number of letters in each word. For the younger students , make a word sheet that they

can read from to match the letters.



MATH TAG . * Hand out 4 different colored game jerseys or rip tags to establish four


groups .* The class is scattered in free space throughout the gym . * Call one color to

chase after the other three groups .* Place four safety zones , which are designed in four

 different shapes ( circle , square , rectangle and triangle ).* As soon as there is a tag , that

person runs to the designated shape.* Establish a (2) minute time limit * Call out a new

group to chase each time * After all groups had a turn to chase , switch the designated

shapes * For safety, place a tumbling mat inside the shapes * When all tagged students

can make that shape by lying on the mat , all are set free to re-enter the game.* The

shapes take four students to complete , while the triangle group will be three .


Alternatives :* Change the shapes inside the cones .* Add a task to be performed inside the cones . *Perform the shaped standing instead of lying down. This will encourage decision making and cooperation.


TIC-TAC-TOE . * Arrange the class with partners with a tic-tac-toe card(board) , and

markers and bean bags .


* The fitness card displays exercise and tasks learned in previous lessons .

Use the beanbags to toss onto the card in an underhand motion . * Make a designated

starting line about 5 feet from the card. * Choose one student to be the “X” and the other

the “O “ . * The students will play the game of tic –tac-toe that requires them to do

certain tasks or exercises * Take turns tossing the bean bags , then place the markers in

that spot * For the marker to count , the bean  bag must land in the square , and not on

any lines . * The object is to get three in a row from any direction . * When the bean bag

lands correctly , both students performs that skill or exercise. * The game continues until

there is a tic –tac-toe match .* All equipment is safely placed near the cards or on the

sidelines . The card grid can be placed on the floor or at an angle against a box or                     



Variations :* Use a single cardboard cutout as an example for a few turns so they can

understand the procedure .* Change the distance and the type of throwing skill . Mix the

cards with all skills , exercises or novelties .* Use physical education words on the cards.

*Use deck rings to replace the bean bags or any object that doesn’t slide easily.


Content : Co-operation , integration , safety awareness , manipulative skills

Equipment : Markers, bean bags , frisbees , plastic balls , basketballs , footballs, soccer balls , volleyballs ,deck rings ,box or container


Loco- Ladder . * Give each group of partners a loco –ladder sheet with locomotor skills

in numerical order . * Use integration activities and skills to have the students perform

after each new turn * Call out a math problem , locomotor skill , alphabet letter or picture

for the students to move in any safe direction .* There are three different cards with


numbers , alphabet and pictures .


Variations : Exchange cards after a few minutes .  Change partners .


Content : Co-operation , locomotor skills , manipulative skills , integration, safety

Equipment : Loco-ladder sheet , pictures


  1. Run ( track sprinter)     (A)                              
  2. Skip (B)
  3. Jump( frog ) (C)
  4. Hop ( rabbit) ( D)
  5. Slide (E)
  6. Gallop ( horse)
  7. Leap
  8. March ( soldier )
  9. Bounce ( ball )
  10. Bend
  11. Turn
  12. Walk ( L)

Call the alphabet letters instead of numbers or pictures depicting mimetic skills . Here are some examples :

5 + 5 = Bend ; 8 – 4 = Hop

#4 Hop would be a picture of a rabbit ; #3 would be a picture of a frog #9 would be a

practice basketball dribble ( bounce)

A= run ; L = walk : E = slide




EASTER BASKET .* Give each of four groups a basket , which is placed behind each

 group.* The groups are arranged in circles about arms length apart .* Give each group a

helium balloon .* There is an extra basket with colored, plastic, Easter eggs. * On each

balloon is a math problem written with markers ( add ,subtract or multiply) .* Each

student must contact the balloon .* To get credit for one egg , the volleys must be

consecutive , and if the balloon lands on the floor or a double hit , no egg is given .*

Designate one person to take the egg from the extra basket.*  Switch balloons often for

different problems.


Alternatives : *Add  different equipment each turn ( balloon, plastic ball , beach ball,

volleyball) .* Change the body positions .( stand, sit, on back or another body

part).*Make the circle larger .


BINGO . * Give each student a bingo card , which can be regulation or a makeshift sheet

printed from an Internet site.* Use all the numbers and letters  inherent to a bingo

game.*Place those numbers in a container * The students start the activity on one

sideline* Each student runs to the direct opposite side of the floor to place their bingo

card on the other sideline.* Return to the starting contact line. * Each student is given a

handful of plastic markers * Call out one number from the box* They all run together and

look for the number that matches * If the number matches , place a marker on that

number* Return to the contact line * Continue the game until somebody gets a BINGO .


Alternatives :* Add a task on some of the numbers .* Change the type of movement ( hop, skip, jump, leap ). *Move the contact lines closer. Repeat to get more markers for scores each time .

 *Give each student a skill sheet that is in alphabetical order . * Each

student starts with a different letter * A skill is assigned for each letter * Perform the skill

in alphabetical order .( A-B-C or X-Y-Z-A) .*The skill sheets are placed on the floor

while the task /skill is being done. * Time the class upon completion of every letter *

 Repeat for a better score * If there are more students than letters , then join a partner .


A – Alligator crawl 5 steps

B- Bounce  a ball 5 times

C- Catch a ball off a wall 5 times

D- Dribble a basketball 5 times

E- Exercise your favorite 10 times

F- Football throw through a suspended hoop

G- Gallop 5 paces forward

H- Hop 15 times

I - Inch worm 3 times

J - Jump rope 25 times

K- Kangaroo hop 10 times

L – Leap over two cones

M- Monkey run 5 times

N- Name(your) written on wall chart

O- On and off  a folded mat 5 times

P- Pass a ball to another person 3 times

Q- Quiet for 5 second count

R- Run around the gym one time

S- Shoot a basket 3 times

T- Turn around 5 times

U- Underhand bean bag toss into a hula hoop

V- “V” sit balance for 5 second count

W- Walk on sidelines around the gym

X- “X’ spot on wall- hit 3 times with a bean bag

Y- Yellow objects – touch (3) of them

Z- Zig zag on each side of  a low balance beam


*Place the equipment on the sidelines.* Return the equipment to the original position*.

*Make pictures of the tasks for the younger students .


MORSE CODE . * Give each of six groups a code sheet .* Each code letter from the

keyboard has a letter that matches it.* Each group works together to solve the physical

education word . * Make 5 words , and then each turn perform the skill or task .* Switch

skill sheets with the other groups after the first turn . Here is code sheet example :

( * = a ) ( % = e ) ( # = j ) ( @ = o ) ( ! = w ) ( “” = I ) ( ? = k ) ( ^^ = u ) ( :: = m ) (;; =p)

( & =r) ( $ = L )


1.      # , ^^ , :: , ;; _____________________ 5 times


2.$ , % , * , ;; _____________________ over a cone 2 times


Alternatives :* Add or subtract the number of tasks .* Keep track  of the time each

group completes the code sheet . *Direct the students to make one task for another



ALPHABET TAG . * Scatter the class inside the gymnasium lines or   marked cones

on the playground . * Each of six groups are given letters to shape their bodies into

when they are tagged * Call out one letter to chase the other five groups. * If tagged


they have to shape their body into the shape of the group that were taggers * The

letters are ( E ,F, O , T , X , Y ) * To be set free , another person must mimic that

letter and call it out . * Call a new letter to chase each turn .

Alternatives :* Change the size of the space .* Add a skill or task .* Ask the tagged

person to make a word that starts with the letter .


COMPUTER GAME . * Use a clear shower curtain liner for each of four groups in

the facsimile of a keyboard . * Call out a word or locomotor skill for the students to

perform * They have to move on the keyboard from key to key * Leave a skill list at

each group * Use leap, jump, run, walk, gallop, catch ,volley and any words that

relate to previously learned skills .


Alternatives : Make smaller versions of the shower curtain . Have one student go at a

time with only one letter , then return to the end of the line to complete the word or

start a new one.* Check off the list , and add new ones each turn. *Use key words that

were practiced in class . Make the keyboard on a large cardboard insert . *Use an old

sheet placed on a tumbling mat .* Ask the art teacher for assistance.


Recipe. A game that has existed for many years can be modified many ways

through creativity and imagination . The rules and equipment can be changed.

The media presents a myriad of opportunities ; it can be from  a book, television

show , movie or cartoons. A main ingredient is arranging the class into small

sided games. Change the height and distance to accommodate all skill levels. The

 dessert is the ability to make adjustments . This means when things reach a

road block , you can channel the class into a different direction , and make it

work.  For example , in  a basketball activity if a student has trouble shooting

the ball at a regulation basket hoop , you can utilize an adjustable , portable

hoop , or place a hula hoop on the rim . The weight or size of the ball can be 

modified to encompass success for all students .

Before all the ingredients are mixed, modified, diced , and chopped, it is necessary to

 have  a background of why and how it must happen. It all starts with an exercise

regimen that included flexibility , cardio-vascular and neuro-muscular coordination ,

 balance , agility and effort. Hopefully, all of this will end in  a lifetime of fitness.

Rope jumping and running activities blend well with lead up team  sport activities .

 Instant activities and tag games are instrumental in the development of a well

rounded curriculum . The final product is the way it’s presented .



 EXER-GRATE . *There are variations in which exercise can be done.* One of the

ideas is ONE BEHIND .* A leader is chosen to start an exercise .* After a few

seconds , call out switch .* At that point , the leader does a different exercise while

the class stays one behind .* The leader continues with all the designated warm –ups

 until there is a stoppage , that is, he/she forgets , or  got confused.* A new leader is

chosen each time until all warm-ups are remembered correctly. * The action is fast

with every new call , and this involves concentration ,plus a fun way to make

exercising fun.


Alternatives . Count in a different language .*Choose more than one leader at a time.

*Call out the body parts that work each exercise.


KNOCKOVER.* Choose a leader to start the exercise routine.* Place three cones

 about 20 feet apart from the leader. * The students choose their favorite warm-ups

while the leader knocks over the three cones. * Keep track of the number of times the

 exercise was done. * Chose a new leader each time.* The students repeat the same

exercise and try to beat the score from the previous time. * Make sure to check if the

exercises are done correctly.* The next leader has to replace the cones to an up

position. * The time is stopped when the leader gets back to the original position.


Alternatives : Add more cones . Change the distance apart . Make partners , who must

stay clenched together at the wrists.


HAMMER TIME .  * The class is in a scattered formation * Choose 2-3 taggers .

*Demonstrate three positions that must be maintained if there is a tag .* The first position

is “ screw “ , which will resemble the letter(I ) .* The next position is a “T-Hammer” ,

which resembles the letter(T) .* The final position is a “ wrench” ,which is similar to the

letter ( F) . * Each tagged person must hold that position , and stand still until another

person can twist the screw downward ; hammer the arms lightly downward low to the

floor ; and put an arm between the vise grip * Choose new taggers each turn .


Alternatives *: Choose different household tools. Add more taggers. Change the size of

the space .


SIGN ME UP .* If there is a special needs student in the class , it will serve to adapt an

activity to not only meet the needs of all students , but also provides for a learning

experience.* This tag game revolves around using sign language * It is necessary to

practice the signs for the tagging game. * Chose 2-3 taggers * All other students are

scattered within the confines of the basketball court or for outside play , arranged in a

square formation with traffic cones. * If tagged , the student must perform the signed skill

that was practiced as follows :


Jump – two fingers on the hand that is moving represents the legs of a person

Hop – a ‘V’ hand shape represents the legs of the person

Skip – The middle finger of the horizontal hand is held down . The index finger of the other hand strikes against it.

Gallop – the forefinger and middle finger are extended downward and bent as the hands move. The sign indicates a “ horse running .

Walk – three fingers represent feet across the palm of the opposite hand.

Run around – the forefingers circle one another as both hands move in a semi-circle


 When tagged ,that student does the signed skill in place * Another student who see that

touches them to be set free .*  Chose new taggers often .


Alternatives :* Provide scooters for special needs students who are capable of using

them. Use a mentor to help the students participate.


Recipe . There are times in emergency situation where sign language can be a

lifesaver . It can be used to get the attention of the class in tense conditions and to

get them in order promptly. Stop – the edge of the hand comes down on the palm to

represent something coming to a complete stop . Use the Walk sign to prompt them

not to panic . Quiet down – the hand moves straight up and down and then is held

for a moment to show that something is not moving.



EMERGENCY. * Scatter the class in free space on the gym floor . * Give 2-3 taggers a

game jersey that will represent the task to be done before re-entering the game.* Place

tumbling mats at various distances * Place cones around each area for  a warning * Use

4-5 hula hoops on the floor at designated distances * Place deck rings that are encircled

on the floor in a 3 foot circumference.*  The taggers game jersey will decide what

“emergency “ must be completed to re-enter the game. * The red game jersey represents

fire- the tagged person must do a stop, drop, roll on the tumbling mat .* The blue game

jersey represents a lifesaver – the tagged person must sit down and row a boat .* The

green jersey represents a phone booth – the tagged person  must mimic a cell phone call

of name , address and phone number.


Alternatives :* Add or subtract mats, hoops or deck rings .* Add more taggers .* Make

the space  smaller.* Add more emergency situations.


Recipe . Make use of any opportunity to provide safety education . This can be done

at the beginning and end of the school year .


MONOPOLY .* Arrange as many traffic cones and or Frisbees on all the sidelines of the

basketball court to represent a monopoly board . Each cone or frisbee is spaced about 3

steps apart . * Make a task card under each cone * Distribute equipment opposite the

cards on the side line area . * Use foam dice to move the students , who are beside one of

 the cones . * They will move that number of cones each turn. * The task or skill card

under the cone will direct them what to do * Once the skill or task is completed , the cone

 is replaced to the original position. ( tip over the cone or lift , read , do ). * Under some


of the cones are directions ,such as JAIL – stay at the same place ; GO – go to any cone .

*All equipment is replaced properly .


Alternatives :* Make more extra cards other than skills or tasks .*Change directions

often.* Work with partners.* Keep the game as realistic as possible .* Establish a time

limit for each turn . *Add a movement skill instead of walking around the board.