4th-8th Grade Games
PASS . *Place as many footballs on the floor in a scattered
formation within the
basketball court lines or outside
facility. * The footballs should be placed about 10 feet
apart .* Match up any two designated partners.* On a signal , they will run to any ball
and make two consecutive ,complete passes . Replace the ball on the floor and run to a
different ball to repeat the process.* Establish a time limit to throw and catch as many
different balls . *Repeat the activity to beat a previous score.
Alternatives : Use a different type of ball ( soccer ,volleyball , rag ball, wiffleball or
distribute all the different types of equipment instead of the same ball each time. Add
more passes . Choose new partners each time. Change the type of ball and skill ( if a
soccer ball ,pass it ; a volleyball , volley it ; and a wiffleball , bounce ,no bounce)
Increase or decrease the distance between partners. TWO PASS TAG . Apply the same
rules , but this time stop the action with a whistle or music. The last person to receive the
ball must run away from their partner. The other partner must tag the partner within 10
seconds. Use a hand tag or use rip flag tags.
Content: Co-operation , team work, Manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Footballs
STEAL THE BALL .* Give each student a number (1-2-3) .* Arrange the students on
each side of the basketball mid court line in a scattered formation .* Place three hula
hoops behind each teams end line .* Place a football in each hoop . *Choose one number
from each team to leave their own zone and cross into the oppositions zone . * The other
two numbers not called are the defensive players .* Use rip flag tags or a hand tag to stop
the action.* That player who was tagged must retreat to their zone and start all over .*
*Any ball that is taken from the hoop is a score.* The hula hoops should be placed about
5 feet away from the end line .* Only the number called may enter into the hoop area.*
Call a new number each time .* Any player that goes out of bounds at the sidelines must
start over from their zone.
Alternatives : After a score try to throw the ball back over the mid court line and into the
starting zone for a touchdown and extra points .Any ball that touches the floor is out of
play . If all three footballs are used , then call a new number .
Use a different type of football according to the ability level of each class. Divide the
area into two or three grids divided by traffic cones . Increase or decrease the space or
change the number of players, such as 6 versus 5 or 8 versus 6. These pressure situations
will be more suited for grades 7th – 8th .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Football , foam ball, hula hoops , traffic cones
ULTIMATE .(6th-8th)* Divide the activity into two or three grids divided by traffic cones
placed between each grid .* Start the game with an even number of students per grid.
*Designate one student to start the game , but after each score or attempt choose a new
leader. Each team must make three successful catches before a score can be made.* After
the third attempt the ball may be run into the opposition’s end line(goal line) or a pass to
a teammate that into the end zone area.* Any ball that is dropped is counted as a loss of
possession.* Each group starts on their end line .* After a ball is caught , that player
must stand still and he defense must stay within arms length away .* Use rip flag tags for
defensive practice if any player with the ball runs forward before three catches have been
made.* This will result in loss of possession with the rip of the flag.* After a score , the
opposition will have a turn to score.* An interception may be returned for a score on any
number of throws.* Use a nerf or regulation football .
Alternatives : Use a different object to throw ,such as a Frisbee or a flingo( tennis ball in
a tube sock).This will work better for grades 4th and 5th . Use uneven teams with the
middle school age students. Change the number of complete passes before a score .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills ,safety awarenees
Equipment : Footballs , foam or nerf ball . traffic cones
Q-BACK . *The activity is arranged into three grids that is divided by traffic cones . The
students are arranged with partners in each grid .* The opposition’s end line is designated
as the goal line .* The groups start on their own end line .* On a signal designate one
team to be the offense .* They will try to run to the opposite end line.* The defense will
only “mirror ” the offense in any direction within the boundaries , which are the traffic
cones between the grids.* There is no body contact permitted.* The defense may impede
any progress , and try to change the directional movement of the offense to force them
out of bounds or slow down their progress.* After all have crossed the end zone , the time
limit is that teams final score. Repeat the procedure and switch positions.* Each group
will try to beat a previous score.
Alternatives : Use rip tags for defensive situations. Change the number of players in each grid for even or uneven teams. Chose a QB for each grid for 3 attempts(downs) to score a touchdown. Each completion installs the new QB . A dropped pass starts again from the end line . After the three downs have been exhausted , the other group has the opportunity to score. Change one group to play another team in their grid.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Footballs , nerf ball , rip tags
RIP FLAG RUN .* Each student will have one flag or cloth strip attached on the side
area only . * No body contact is permitted other than touching the rip tags.* Divide the
class into six groups with numbers (1-6) in a scattered formation inside the basketball
court lines or traffic cones in the outside area.* Designate one number to rip off the other
five teams tags. *If a tag is taken off that person must wait until a teammate takes a rip
tag from the sideline area , where additional tags are stored for re-entry into the game. *
*After a time limit , choose a new number each turn.* Each group scores one point for
all players who don’t have a rip flag tag .* Repeat the procedure with a new number
then tally the scores a second time to beat a previous performance.
Alternatives : Increase or decrease the space , choose everybody as IT
Content: Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , agility ,coordination
Equipment : Rip tags , traffic cones , game jerseys
TOUCHDOWN .* Place nerf footballs(10-24) inside the jump circle of the basketball
court with one QB from each of 4-6 groups.* Each student will have a different color rip
tag or cloth to designate the groups.* All groups will be scattered throughout the area
away from the circle .* On a signal , the QB attempts to throw a completion to any other
teammate , who takes over the QB position to repeat the procedure.* Any player outside
the circle on the opposite group may knock down a ball for an incompletion or join the
circle with an interception. *The last group that enters the circle loses one point, while all
others add one point.
Alternatives: Establish a time limit instead of a point total to beat a previous attempt .
Make one circle in designated grids. Change the type of ball . Make a restraining area
where the ball must be caught . Place poly spots on the floor where each catch must be
made. Increase or decrease the distance for the catch.
Content: Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment: Foam or nerf footballs , rip tags , poly spots
With each activity or game the progression between the grades starts with basic skills that
lead up the final activity . Here is an example of the skill progression in Kin ball , which
can be adapted many ways . The regulation Kin ball is a heavy weight balloon inside a
lightweight cover . A large beach ball ( 36 “) can be used as a replacement. The Kin ball
comes in various sizes and is similar to a cage ball , but much lighter and easier to
KIN BALL .* Arrange the class in concentric circles , facing each other , about arms
distance apart or about the same width of the Kin Ball .* Start the ball with a rotation
around the circle with a smooth pushing action to keep the ball close to the floor.* Count
the number of rotations for a designated time limit.* Repeat the procedure for a better
Alternatives : Play two games at once . Change the equipment
Content: Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Kin ball , large beach ball
INDIANA JONES .* Choose one person to run away from the Kin Ball .* Switch the ball
in the opposite direction .* Repeat until all students had a turn.* Instead of the ball
chasing the student , reverse it with the student chasing the ball .
Variations : Play two games at once , add more runners
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills
Equipment : Kin Ball ,large beach ball
CRAB KICK KIN BALL . * Divide the students evenly into a semi-circle alignment with
a traffic cone placed in between the two groups. *They will be arranged in a crab kick
position while sitting on the designated circle.* Choose 2-3 players from each group to
stand behind their respective team.* One group will start the activity by attempting to
kick the Kin Ball to the other group above head level.* If the ball is caught by the outside
teammate that will negate the score .* Any ball that touches the floor counts one point.
*Choose new catchers after a few minutes .
Alternatives : Make more than one circle . Choose more catchers. Increase or decrease the size of the circle. Change the type of ball .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Kin ball , large beach ball
BACKBOARD BONKERS . * Make two grids width wise each side of the mid court
line.* Use the basketball backboards as the scoring zone or make a line on the side wall
about the same height of the basketball hoop . * Start the game with a jump ball like the
tip off in a basketball game.* Any ball that is airborne must be hit /volleyed as in a
volleyball game.* If the ball is caught , it must be set up to a teammate using an overhead
set up skill.
Any ball that touches the floor constitutes a loss of possession. No body contact is
permitted.* The points are scored as follows : (1) point if the Kin Ball hits the net ; (2)
points if the rim is touched , and (3) points if the backboard is touched .* Any ball that is
caught by the opposition negates the score . *The play continues from that spot. Any ball
that goes out of bounds is a loss of possession.
Alternatives : Play two games side by side width- wise on each side of the half court line.
If the ball is caught off the backboard or rim , the score is counts for the defense. After each score , the action continues with a volley serve from the sideline.
Content : Co-operation , teamwork , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Kin Ball , large beach ball ,traffic cones , pinnies
Volley –Basketball *Divide the students into as many basketball hoops as possible(4).*
Each group forms a semi-circle in front of the basketball hoop.* Designate one person to
stand underneath the basketball hoop.* This setter will toss the ball to the first student on
the left side of the semi-circle.* That student will try to set the ball and aim for the
basketball hoop.* If it goes in the hoop(2 points).*If the ball hits any part of the hoop
such as net or backboard(1 point).*Each group yells out their score each time.* Once all
players get a turn to aim/set ,the setter goes to the right of the semi-circle.* The student
on the left will be the new setter.* First group to ten points wins or try to beat a previous
Variations : The setter sets the ball up , use different types of volleyball skills of dig, bump or serving . Change the distance of the setter and receiver . Use different types of equipment .
Content : Teamwork , co-operation , manipulative skills
Equipment : Volleyballs, Gator balls , volleyball trainer , plastic or foam ball
Frisbee –Baseball *Set up four- five baseball diamonds/games.* The pitcher stands in the
middle of the diamond, and tossed the frisbee to the batter, who must catch it and pass it
back to the pitcher to advance to first base .*The second batter takes the pitch ,but must
throw to the player at first base, who then throws it back to the pitcher, all without
dropping the frisbee, then the player on first advances to second ,and the batter goes to
first.* This continues until the bases are loaded, and in order to score, they complete the
sequence of pitcher to batter; batter to first; first to second, second to third, and third to
pitcher, all without dropping the frisbee, and they score .* Place one fielder at each of the
three bases.* Each group at the baseball diamond will try to score as many runs within a
designated time limit .* An out constitutes a dropped Frisbee and count against the
allotted designated time to score .
Variations : Move the bases closer or farther apart . Use a foam Frisbee . Establish a longer time limit , then exchange positions between batters and base fielders . After each turn , try to beat a previous performance.
Content : Co-operation , manipulative skills , teamwork
Equipment : Frisbee , foam Frisbee
STRIKE IT* Arrange the class beside designated striking objects and implements. *Place
the objects and implements at a safe distance away from the others.* On a signal, they
will attempt to strike and count the number of times in succession that the object is
struck.* Play upbeat music or a designated time limit , then they will carefully replace the
object/implement and move to a different place to repeat the procedure.* Here are some
examples :
- Tennis racquet ( tennis ball , rag ball and or wiffleball)
- Paddle ball( tennis ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball)
- Frisbee( wiffleball , plastic ball , balloon)
- Wiffleball bat( balloon, rag ball, ping-pong ball)
- Flat wiffleball bat( plastic ball, tennis ball, volleyball)
There will be more striking objects to be used , that is, there will be more implements
than just one of each.* After the activity , ask them what was easy? hard ? why ?
Make sure they progress in safe pathways as they move from place to place and the
implements and objects are replaced correctly.( don't toss the equipment).* If there is a
place with no implement ,then they will have to volley a( balloon , plastic ball , or tennis
ball ,etc.)*The students will get to experience all kinds of different choices and this will
instill imagination and creativity. *
Variations . Try to beat a previous performance . Vary the equipment at each place to make it easier or more difficult.
Content : Co-operation , manipulative skills , agility ,coordination ,safety awareness
Equipment : Tennis ball , rag ball, wiffleball , ping-pong ball , plastic ball ,birdies ,
balloons , volleyball , tennis racquet , paddle ball racquet , wiffle bat , Frisbee , music CD
Golf-Basketball * Arrange the students at each of nine designated basketball shooting
areas .* Make simple golf index cards to keep score for each golf hole * Scatter the
students at each golf hole with a limit of six attempts before they move to the next hole.
After each hole , they will place their score on the golf card * There will be more than
one student at each hole * Rotate to the next hole in sequential order ,such as , #1 goes to
#2 , and #9 goes to #1 . * Here are the designated holes :
#1 3 point shot
#2 Foul shot
#3 Chair shot ( sit in chair)
#4 Upside down shot ( shoot up through the hoop and back down)
#5 Garbage can shot( bounce pass into a large trash can)
#6 Opposite hand shot ( 5-6 feet away)
#7 Hoop shot ( toss a hula hoop onto rim )
#8 Backward shot ( face away from basket, 3 feet away)
#9 Bank shot ( 5-6 feet away )
Variations . Add more chairs for the chair shot . If waiting ,practice dribbling or passing skills in a safe area. Change the type of equipment . Change the distances .
can , basketball hoops and or portable hoops , pencils
Content : Co-operation , integration , manipulative skills ,safety awareness
Equipment : Basketballs , soccer balls, volleyballs , chairs , score index cards , hula hoops , trash
KIN BALL GAME .* Divide the students into six groups with a designated color.* It is
best to use colored” pinnies” , or assigned color names .* The groups are scattered
throughout the floor area inside the confines of the basketball court. * The sidelines
,lights and end lines are the boundaries .* One team starts the action with a serve.* The
server stands low under the ball as the teammates hold the ball high over head.* The
server pushes the ball upward .* Any all that travels in a low or sideways trajectory loses
the serve and one point.* As the ball is served , a color is called at the same time.* If the
color isn’t called , there will be a loss of serve , and a point.* When the color is called
somebody from that color must catch the ball .* The remaining team members gather
together to start the serve process.* If the ball is dropped , all teams score one point. *If
the ball is out of the boundaries , all teams score one point except the serving team.
*When the ball is served and the color called , the team that permits the ball to land on
the floor will fail to score, while all other teams accrue one point. Colors can’t be called
in succession.
Alternatives : Create two games on each side of the mid court line. Use a different ball. Increase or decrease the space.
Content : Co-operation , teamwork, manipulative skills
Equipment : Kin Ball , large beach ball , pinnies
Recipe. Practice the skills of volleying , catching , serving and cooperation before the complete activity begins. Work in small groups with different types of equipment. Use a scope and sequence of skills , stop the action during a game, and give comments to improve the understanding of the strategy and skills of the game.
*Scatter 20-24 cones or frisbees in front of six groups.*The cones have index cards
placed under each of the those objects.* Play a musical selection from the TV and movie
show of the same name for creativity and enthusiasm . * Make a task /skill sheet beside
each of the groups to be done in order . * Tape a large butcher block paper on the
sidewall with markers .* On a signal , the students go to the cones ,lift it and perform the
skill or task from the index card .* After the activity , the skills are checked off from the
butcher block paper , and a time limit posted next to the groups number.(1-6)* This is
prepared by an assigned leader, who writes down the skills that were done in order .*
Replace all the cones in proper positions . Here are two examples of the skills /tasks:
list #1
(1) Jump back and forth over any sideline 25 times
(2) Catch a ball off a wall 10 times
(3) 25 step tests on the low bleacher
(4) Jump and touch the hanging wiffleball
(5) Touch any square shape with your knee
Skill list #2
(1) Jump in and out of a hula hoop 15 times
(2) Crab walk 10 steps
(3) Soccer toe tap 25 times
(4) Jump rope 10 times
(5) Group volley a balloon 25 times( everybody must have a touch)
Alternatives : Beforehand, there are designated safe spots and enough equipment on the sideline area to perform the tasks safely. After all the tasks are done , they go back to their starting places and listen for their time. There is one skill/ task card under one cone. Utilize teamwork when the ordered skill card is found. That person calls out” found it “or any designated command. Make sure to replace the cone correctly. This also prevents the other groups from knowing what was under the cone/frisbee.
Place a cassette tape under a cone along with the skill card. This can be a "reward " not do the skills in order. The skill cards don't have to be done in order . If there is a smaller class number go one at a time . The remaining students must watch intently so if the skill order card is wrong , then the next person chooses a different one.
Content : Co-operation , manipulative skills , integration , work together , safety
Soccer ball, balloon , hula hoop , wiffleball , music CD
CIRCLE KICK SOCCER . * Make 6-8 circles depending on the number of students in
each class.* Place 2-3 scooter boards in each circle.* The type of ball to be used can be a
soccer ball, plastic play ball , beach ball , nerf ball , gator ball or anything that will
provide a safe environment .* Give each scooter group one minute to score as many goals
between the outer circle players, who are designated as goalies.* After the time is expired
call out new players .
: The goalies aren’t permitted to use the hands to block the shots. Increase or
decrease the number of scooter players. Change the size of the circle. Divide
the groups into a semi –circle arrangement , which the scooter players will
have to kick the ball through an opposing teams circle. Use a traffic cone to
divide the teams and their positions on the circle. Make even or uneven groups.
Content :Co-operation, work together , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Foam ball , play ball , beach ball , gator ball ,pinnies
SIX GOAL SOCCER.* Place six different goals on designated end lines and sidelines .
*The goals may be regulation , traffic cones or makeshift goals with a golf tube inside the
cones.* There will be players at each goal/net to block any goal-kicked shots. Choose six
players with one ball each to start the action in the middle of the gym . *Place a box or
container at the middle of the floor for extra balls.* On a signal , the kickers will attempt
to score as many goals within three minutes.* After a score , the kicker takes another ball
from the middle and continues to score .* After time has expired choose six more kickers.
The kickers start the activity by dribbling the ball .* Make a restraining circle or line
away from each goal .* The goalies try to block all shots and when a ball is scored, it is
placed behind the goal in a box or container.
Alternatives : Make the goal areas larger or smaller. Use different types of balls. Rotate the goalies to different positions . Extra goalies are inside the cone area .
Content : Co-operation , work together , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Foam soccer balls , traffic cones , golf tubes , cardboard box or container
pinnies or rip tags
RUN ,RIP AND KICK. * The set up is similar to the steal the football game with hula
hoops behind each end line .* Use soccer balls instead to kick it through cones below
head level .* One number will attempt to take a ball without being ripped off or tagged by
the opposition’s defense as the runners travel into the zone across the half court line.*
*The cones are set equidistant apart on the half court line.* Point total are given from
each cones value .* No score is counted for a kick outside the cones , only inside. Use a
nerf ball.
Any ball that doesn’t pass between two cones or blocked is taken out of play .* If there is
no score choose a new number.* The two numbers not called can either rip a tag to
impede progress or turn around and block any kick.* The same rules apply if a tag is
ripped and running out of bounds. *That player must start over from their own zone.
Alternatives : Roll the ball instead of a kick . Change the type of ball .Move the cones closer or farther apart . Make two games on each side of the mid court line playing width-wise .
Content : Co-operation , work together , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Foam or nerf ball , pinnies
BOUNDARY BALL . * Make two parallel lines about 10 feet apart on each side of the
mid court line . Use each side line as the boundary line for each team .* The players are
standing side by side about arms length apart . Place a cone on each end line .* The ball
must pass the end line and below head level for a score , which is made by throwing the
ball through or over the front line .* The score is made only between the two cones .*
*Give each team in the front line three balls to start the game.* Any ball that is caught or
blocked must be given back to any of the front line players.* Switch positions after three
Alternatives : Change the type of ball . Move the front line closer or farther apart . Change the type of throw ,such as rolling , one bounce, no bounce. Move the cones closer or farther apart .
Content : Co-operative skills , team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Foam or nerf balls , plastic ball , gator ball
SPEEDBALL . The combination of previously learned skills in soccer, football,
volleyball and basketball will evolve into the speedball game :
1. Soccer –passing, trapping , kicking ,juggling, goalie play
2. Football – catching, throwing ,defense ( rip off tag)
3. Basketball – tip off , defense , passing
4. Volleyball – volleying , passing
5. Speedball :
· Double jam – ball between feet ,jump up and catch to hands
· Single leg – ball rolls up leg to hands
*Divide the players into three positions .* The goalies block all kicks or throws ; the
players kick, pass, catch, rip off , throw ,volley, and score ; the sideline players roll the
ball to the players and rip off .* All students will have rip tag flags.* Use a nerf soccer
ball for play.
The game starts with a jump ball at mid court .* The play continues with soccer rules if
the ball is on the floor, football or volleyball if the ball is off the floor .* Speedball skills
will take effect if that player can lift the ball without using the hands first .* This will be
easier if the ball is rolled by the sideline or goalie teammates.* The ball will roll up the
leg and caught .* Also, any bouncing ball may be juggled off a body part , then directly
to the hands.* The ball may never be used with the hands by the players to pick up from
the floor. It must be passed or kicked .* If the ball can’t be caught , a volley can be used
to pass to a teammate. The goalies may throw the ball directly to a player.*
The player may run with the ball after a goalie throw , by a teammate or juggled.* If the
player is ripped off or a throw is dropped will constitute soccer play.* There are three
ways to score : (1pt) a kick between any cones ; (2) A throw into the goalie net ;(3) a kick
directly into the goalie net. Make a restraining line in front of the goal areas .* No score
can be made inside that area.* After a score , the opposing goalie starts the action again.
After a few minutes change positions.* The goalies will play next , the sideline will be
goalies , and the players become goalies.* Any rip off tag is placed on the floor(replaced)
and the ball is given to the defense at that point for a free kick.
Alternatives : Add a football run for a score outside either cone. Three throws must be made before a score. For the 4th-5th grade levels use soccer rules . Move the cones closer or farther apart . The goalies must roll the ball . Play small sided games on each side of the half court , width- wise
Content: Co-operation skills , manipulative skills , team work , safety
Equipment : Foam or nerf ball , plastic ball, play ball(soft) , pinnies
PARACHUTE SOCCER. *Divide the class into two equally numbered groups with one
group holding a parachute, and the other scattered outside . * Place 10-15 soccer balls on
the parachute .* The parachute groups makes “waves” by popping the soccer balls off
the parachute.* Any ball that lands on the floor is a score for the parachute group.* Any
ball that is “headed “ or juggled back to the parachute is a score for the outside group.
*Switch places often .
Alternatives : Use smaller parachutes and more circle games . Change the type of ball and the skills ( catching , one bounce, no bounce ) .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Parachute , small parachutes , soccer balls
PARACHUTE VOLLEYBALL .* Divide the students into two groups on each side of a
volleyball net. *Each side is equipped with 2-4 small parachutes.* The play starts with
one group that has one bal on each parachute. *The ball is flipped over the net to the
other group.* Count the number of times the ball is received by both groups.* No score is
counted if the ball hits the floor or the net.* Repeat for a better score .
Alternatives: Play a regulation volleyball game with the ball being flipped from parachute to parachute for each serve. Use more than one ball . Use blankets or sheets instead of a parachute. Change the height of the net . Add more nets . Engage in small side games with a strap ,string or rope as the net. Utilize two “holders” to connect with the makeshift net. Change positions often from holders to players. Change the numbers to uneven groups ,such as 3 versus 2 or 4 versus 6 .
Content : Co-operation, team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Small parachutes , volleyball, gator ball, wiffleball
TARGET HOCKEY . * Arrange the students in a square formation equipped with as
many sticks available .* Use wiffleballs or plastic pucks .* Place an light –sized object in
the center of the square . *The players will try to knock the object past any of the four
contact lines .* Keep track of the time each turn and try to beat a previous performance.
*Any student without a stick can kick the ball or roll the ball to a teammate who has a
better angle .* Change sticks after every turn .
Alternatives: Give each line a number(1-10). Each number will start play in the center of the square .They will try to score as many goals in a designated time limit. All other players are the goalies. The goalies must return the ball or puck within three seconds to the middle . Call a new number each time. Or place folded tumbling mats at each corner to be used as the goal net. Place all extra balls and pucks in a box or container to maintain momentum. Play two games on each side of the mid court line .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Wiffleballs , plastic pucks , hockey sticks , safety glasses
ANTYTHING GOES HOCKEY. *Use any type of equipment ,which includes pucks ,
deck rings,bean bags or wiffleballs to score goals.* Make four goal areas that
corresponds to the type of equipment for scoring purposes.* Place one goal net on each
sideline and end line.* Place a traffic cone or small box beside each net , and on top
,place the equipment, which will determine where the goal should be scored .* For
example , the ball will be on one cone , the bean bag on another and then the deck ring or
puck will be on the last cone.
There are no goalies.* The students not called to play will be standing beside the nets to
pass , roll or slide the equipment to their teammates.* Give each student a number .* Call
a new number after three minutes of play . *Place all equipment(12-50) in the middle .
Content : Co-operation, team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Plastic pucks, deck rings , bean bags ,wiffle balls
Alternatives: Chose one golaie for each net. Make the space larger or smaller. Make two games on each side of the mid court line . Switch the equipment each time to have a chance to try all four “pucks”. The puck should be syrofoam for the 4th-6th grade levels.
BALLOON VOLLEYBALL . * Give each student a helium balloon . Arrange the
students in a scattered formation.* Call out designated body parts as they volley in
succession without the balloon touching the floor.* Try to beat a previous perfomance
each time.
Alternatives:Volley the balloon in diferent body positions ,such as standing or sitting . Add a partner using alternate hits. As an integrative activity ,use markers for number recognition by adding the math computations on the balloon. (6X2) . Use letters and spell a word with other students . They will have to volley the balloon , plus cooperate with partner(s) to spell 2,3 4 or 5 letter words. Repeat for a better score. Use different types of equipment .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety , integration
Equipment : Balloons , volleyballs , plastic ball
FALLING STAR. *Place an equal amout of players on each side of a volleyball net.*
Use a box or container on the side of the net for all volleyballs .* Give each team four
volleyballs to start the play .* Throw the ball to the other team’s side .*Any ball that is
caught will be placed in the box or container.* When all the volleyballs are gone, count
the number in each box for the team score.* Any ball that leaves the area is out of play .*
The strategy is to throw the ball onto the floor .
Alternatives : Use different types of volleyballs . Use more than one net for more games. After a catch is made ,add a set up volley or serve. After each turn , add one more volleyball skill . Adapt the serve . Change the height of the net. Play more than three hits per side. Count one bounce.Play the ball off everything including walls ,bleachers and anything that causes a rebound. Place a hula hoop on the other side of the net. Try to hit the ball to that partner inside the hoop.
Content : Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety , integration
Equipment : Volleyball net , volleyballs , play balls , gator ball , box or container
DRIBBLE TAG .* Give each student in a scattered position any type of ball that can be
dribbled.* Use the sidelines and end lines as the boundaries.* On a signal ,they will
dribble with one hand and try to knock away another ball with the free hand.* Any ball
that is lost pays a dribbling penalty of five dribbles on the sideline area for returning to
the game.
Alternatives: Make the dribbling area smaller each time from full court to half court to within each foul line or designated ,marked-ff cone area. Switch balls often .
Content : Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Basketball, soccer ball , volleyball
CHAMPION BALL . * Place the students at 4-6 baskets with two basketballs at each
place . * Align each group in a double file facing the basketball hoop. * The first two
students in each line dribble the ball three times , touch basketballs * The first person to
make a basket remains at that position to challenge the next person in order. * The other
person goes to the end of the line. * Any student who wins three consecutive times leaves
to go to another basket
Alternatives : Change the type of ball appropriate for each grade level. Use a portable basket . Lower the regulation baskets. Change the distance of the shots( from lay-ups to foul shots). Place a hula hoop over the rim as a makeshift basket.
Content: Co-operation , manipulative skills , team work , safety awareness
Equipment: Basketballs , soccer balls , volleyballs
ARC BALL .* Arrange frisbees or deck rings on the floor on the 3 point arc on each side
of the half court line. *Place a traffic cone at the center to differentiate the two groups. *
Choose the first (3) players in order from each group to start the game *Establish a no
dribbling rule and (3) passes before a shot may be taken . * Any shot that is missed must
be passed back to a teammate behind the Frisbee/ deck ring. * After a score choose the
next (3) players in order * Those players that started the game line up at the end of the arc
behind the frisbees.* Any rebound is returned to the arc players .* The distance of the
frisbees is 3 feet apart .
Alternatives : Change the type of ball . Permit dribbling . Establish a time limit for each
possession. Adhere to regulation rules or adapt to each grade level.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Frisbees , deck rings , basketballs, soccer or volleyballs
FOUR PASS . *Align the students in two small side games on each side of the half court
line * Divide the grids with traffic cones at the center jump circle. * The play will be
width –wide on each side of the court.* One group will line up on the end line , the other
is lined up in front of the traffic cones . * Chose five players from each group to face
each other at the courts center area. * Toss two basketballs in the direction of the
assigned basketball hoop .* Use poly spots to mark off five places where each group will
stand to receive a pass * After the ball is picked up from the floor ,one person runs with
the ball and finds the available spots, along with the teammates .* Pass the ball in any
order * The last person to receive the ball , takes shot at the basket* If the shot is missed,
the ball must be passed four more times with a new shooter* The first team to make a
basket scores one point* Call the next five players in order .* Others go to the end of the
Alternatives: Use portable baskets . If there aren’t enough baskets , make four successful passes , instead. Put hula hoops on the rim as a makeshift basket . Change the type of pass . Add dribbling . Choose an end player to roll the ball to start the game .
Content : Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety
Equipment : Basketballs , portable basketball hoops , poly spots
HIT THE COIN .* Arrange 6-8 groups on each side of the half court line in shuttle
formation.* Place a coin or smooth object on the half court line* Give all first players a
basketball .* Pass(bounce) the ball to move the coin / object away from the line.* After
each pass , go to the end of the line * After a designated time limit , the coin farthest from
the starting position is the winner . * Make a contact line for each team about 8-10 feet
from the starting line.
Alternatives: Move the contact line closer or farther apart . Change the type of ball . Use a different object . Count the number of times the coin moves , and then repeat to beat a previous score.
Content: Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Poly spots , coins ( quarter ) , bingo markers , basketball
UP AGAINST . * Make 10-12 courts divided with traffic cones . * Assign players in a
two versus two alignment between the cones . * The width of the court will vary from 10-
15 feet * Each court will use one tennis ball for each game * The first player faces a wall
or bleacher * The partner stands between the cones to wait for a turn * The throwing
partner skips the ball off the floor , then against the wall for a rebound into the playing
area . * If the ball is caught , it counts as an out by the receiving partners .* Any ball that
touches the floor is a score for the throwing team.* Any ball that lands outside the cones
is an out.* Switch throwers after each turn * Three outs , and the partners switch places .
Alternatives : Establish uneven teams . Move the cones closer or farther apart . Change the type of ball . Exchange partners into different grids . Make lines on the floor and throw for distances . Repeat to beat a previous distance.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills, safety awareness
Equipment : Tennis balls , traffic cones
THROW AND RUN . * Make two separate lanes with one for throwing , and the other
for running. * One lane is two traffic cones about 15 feet apart .* The other lane is hula
hoops about 20 feet apart .* Give one wiffleball to one of the throwing partners .* On a
signal the partners throw and catch for (30) seconds . * The runner goes from hoop to
hoop counting the number of touches inside for (30) seconds.* After each turn, switch
one of the partners . * Each group has a chance to run and throw /catch.* Make 10-12
lanes .
Alternatives: Change the type of ball . Change the distances of the cones and hoops. Use different types of throwing( bounce, no bounce, pop up, line drive) . Use bases instead of hoops.Add a runner.
Content : Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Wiffle balls , tennis balls
NELLIE BALL .* Divide the area into 10 –12 zones or grids divided by traffic cones or
any safe objects.( box, poly spot, deck rings )* Use a play ball to throw above the
bleacher level(8 feet) , and off the wall. * The groups at each place are arranged between
throwers and receivers. * Align the players in a two versus two set up *After the first
throw the players catch alternate rebounds * The throw is taken from where the ball is
caught * Any ball that lands outside the boundaries is a loss of possession and
points.*Any ball that touches the floor is a point * Establish a (3) second time limit to
throw the ball *
Alternatives : Change the type of ball ( volleyball, soccer ball, gator ball). Make uneven teams( pressure situations). Use( strategy ) in how the bal should be placed and the effort for long or short rebounds. Switch players to a new grid to get experience with all the players.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Traffic cones , poly spots , deck rings , play ball , volleyball ,Gator ball
PASS THE ASPIRIN . * Arrange the class in a scattered formation .* Place three
different play balls on the floor in the middle of the gym or playground .* These are
defined as the poison balls.* Place an extra ball (aspirin) next to the other play balls. The
students who are assigned as taggers with the play balls chase the remaining students. * If
touched /tagged that person must sit down until another student gets the aspirin ball.* The
aspirin ball is rolled to the tagged person to set them free to re-enter the game.* The
tagged person with the aspirin ball must pass the ball to another tagged person to re-enter the game.
Alternatives : Use more aspirin balls . Use the tagged balls with assigned colors. Give
each color an exercise or task to perform . Change the size of the space each turn. Change
the type of pass (roll , one bounce. no bounce) .
Content :Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Play ball, volleyball, soccer ball
BEAT THE CLOCK .*Place 6 different balls twenty feet in front of six groups , who are
in file formation behind the half court line. * Place the ball in a hoop , box or container. *
Make six different area behind any sideline of the gym or playground. * On a signal , the
first person runs to the ball , returns it to the next person in line* The first person runs to
the end of the line , receives the ball from the last person in order, and runs back to
replace the ball . * As soon as the ball is replaced that line runs together to any of the six
designated task areas . * Keep track of the time it takes for the tasks to be completed as
follows :
- Log roll across a tumbling mat two times
- Crawl through a series of hoops placed in traffic cones
- Jump to each side of a low balance beam two times
- Pass a ball around a designated circle 3 times
- Jump rope 20 times
- Catch a ball off a wall 5 times
Alternatives : Conclude the activity after (3) tasks to prevent a tie up at any of the task positions. Chose a new leader after each turn. Continue with all (6) task positions for strategy and decision making skills. Chose tasks inherent with a unit or activity that was previously practiced( lead up sport , striking , long handled implements, passing/receiving)
Content : co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Play ball, volleyball , soccer ball , volleyball, plastic ball, Gator ball , box
Recipe . Make the task positions on the side line to clear the area for the next activity that will take place. This will prevent a loss of momentum and creates perfect planning .( moving large groups from place to place).
CASTLES . *Place tumbling mats standing on end throughout the gym. *Place a colored
pinnie / jersey at the top to differentiate the teams. * Make a small restraining
area(crease) in front of the (castles) along with one goalie. * The other players will be on
scooters trying to knock over the castles with a crab kick against the three other teams .*
Use a Kin Ball , large beach ball or a cage ball. *Give each group a game jersey or rip
tag .
Alternatives : Use more than one ball . Make more or less castles. Place students behind the castles to help pass the ball to their teammates. Switch positions often from helpers to players , players to goalies , and goalies to helpers .Play small sided games divided into four quadrants with traffic cones.
Content :Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Tumbling mats, scooters , pinnies, game jersey Kin ball, large beach ball
25-10-5 * The students are arranged in three separate width wise grids divided by traffic
cones* Start the activity with at least three batters for each grid * Distribute the fielders in
a safe distance away from the batters in a scattered formation. * At each grid are
different striking objects * Choose one pitcher for each grid or place a batting tee as a
variation * Within each grid place a box or container for the different types of equipment
along with the striking utensils that match the objects * Choose a wiffle ball with a wiffle
bat ; a wooden paddleball racquet with a tennis ball ; a kickball ; a tennis racquet with a
foam baseball for safety * Make a “home run “ area worth 25 points against the far wall
or bleachers . * Make a line beside the pitcher to designate that any ball fielded in front
of it must only be caught by the next batter in order . All other balls can be caught by the
fielders. * The fielders accrue points as follows : 25 points for a ball caught off no
bounces ; a one bounce catch counts 10 points ; a rolling ball counts for 5 points* Any
ball that is misplayed is a negative score * Each student will keep an individual total * A
score of 100 will earn an extra turn at bat * Each batter gets one connected swing * A
batting tee is used if there are two , consecutive misses of hitting the ball forward * Any
ball that is hit backwards can be fielded by the catcher , the next person in order *
Fielders must call for the catch for safety awareness. *
Alternatives : Use a different type of equipment each new turn at bat * Have the fielders call for the ball with “ I have it.’ Or “ Mine.” Change pitchers often . If there is difficulty with hitting the ball, change the toss to a one bounce pitch . The batter may choose to self toss . Change grids and try to beat a previous performance . Each grid may have a designated skill – kickball , wiffleball , racquets and then switch grids after a few minutes .After 100 points , the fielder joins the batting group . Choose new batters after three minutes.
Content. Co-operation , work together , manipulative skills , integration, safety awareness
Equipment : Tennis and paddleball racquets , wiffle ball and bat , foam ball ,kickball , batting tee, traffic cones
Crazy Ball . * The students are arranged in two different grids , width-wise on each side
of the mid court line .* Divide the students into two groups , a fielding and batting
team.*Give each group three minutes to score as many runs in that time limit. * There are
no outs * Make four bases in a diamond alignment. * Any ball that is caught must be
thrown to a designated pitcher to stop the runner from advancing * The runner must
revert to the previous base or if they didn’t reach first base will be frozen at that spot.*
There may be more than one runner at each base * The batters use any designated striking
object .* The batters must touch all four bases to score * Any runner may choose any
base , in any direction, as the bases don’t have to run in order . * When the ball is
received by the pitcher , he / she must stay stop or freeze * Any ball that is hit forward in
the grid is playable * A ball entering another grid is out of play
Alternatives : Each turn at bat , use a different striking object* Use a batting tee * Switch pitcher soften or a self toss * Run the bases in order* The runner may be frozen at that spot instead of reverting to the closest base. * Only use two bases
Content : Co-operation , work together , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Wiffle ball and bat , kickball , racquets , foam ball , batting tee , traffic cones , tennis ball , rubber bases or poly spots
Recipe . Our health is everything and without it our options are limited , our families and
careers suffer .Our future is uncertain….but DUCT TAPE is what pulls it all together
.Here are some examples :
· Attach hula hoops to the wall for throwing targets
· Emergency splint for jammed fingers
· Tape all screws, nuts and bolts on hockey/soccer nets
· Attach foam insulation to a plunger for a batting tee
· Cover a balloon for more durable uses
There are many ways to improve the curriculum and introduce skills , activities and
games in the global community . By implementing International games will expand the
interest in activities that may carry over from other games around the World. These can
be modified or adapted to meet the ability level of each grade level . The equipment ,
rules and space requirements can be adapted to the gymnasium and playground . It must
be noted that each skill be taught before the actual game is played.
CRICKET . * The game can be adapted by using any flat bat(wood or wiffle ball
bat).*Use traffic cones as “bases”.* Make a wicket with (3) dowel rods that is placed in a
modeling clay slab. * The ball is changed from a hard substance to a softer material for
safety in the intermediate grades. * The traffic cones are placed similar to home and
second base about 20-30 feet apart .* The students will run after the “hit” from second to
home for a score* There is no stopping at the second base * The scores will be negated
by throwing the ball at the wicket , and knocking it down or knocking over the second
base cone before the runner gets there. * This is done at the exact moment when a fielder
catches the ball * Any pitch that hits the wicket results in a loss of batting position.* The
pitch is made from a one or no bounce try *Each team gets (3) minutes at their positions.
*The fielders are scattered throughout the area.
Alternatives : Move the bases closer or farther . Use actual cricket equipment for the middle school students. Play more than one game width-wise on each side of the half court line.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Bases , poly spots , traffic cones , wiffle ball and flat bat , dowel rods, clay
Recipe. Work with the computer , classroom or librarian to find out about the history of cricket .
RUGBY . * The students are equipped with rip flag tags ( instead of tackling) * Use the
regulation rugby ball or a football. * The field dimensions are similar to a football
field*All passes are made with a backward direction * There are five attempts to score by
running across the goal line .* At each stoppage of play by a rip off , the ball is rolled
backwards with a foot pass or a direct backward pass from the floor( side center) .* After
five attempts there is a loss of possession * Each team is aligned in rows with a few
players in the back position ( like football) * A self kick is permitted for progress * Any
ball that is dropped is a loss of possession * Use fakes and feints to get the defense off
balance * The ball may be kicked forward along the ground , and picked up to continue
possession. ( for avoiding a rip tag) * Any ball out of play on the sideline is similar to a
soccer (throw in) , but it is caught , unless the defense intercepts .* A penalty for rough
play is a free kick at goal( tripping, etc. )* No body contact except taking rip tags. * The
game starts with a punt or place kick * The place kick is taken from the ten yard line
( after a foul) * The kick after a score counts as (2) points , which is taken from the ten
yard marker * A run for a score(try) counts as (5 ) points * A penalty kick is (3) points *
After a running score , the place kick is taken from an angle where the runner crossed the
goal line ( it is best to score in front of the goal posts ) * After a running score , the ball is
placed on the ground * The kick off is taken at midfield * When a player is ripped off, the
flag must be thrown to the ground , and can’t return to the action until it is replaced. *A
pass that is made in a forward direction(off side) results in a loss of possession * There is
no limit to the number of back passes (laterals) * An overall vision of the game would
look similar of two parallel lines by the offense and defense .
Alternatives : Change the attempts to score . Play two games width –wise in the gym or
outside playing field. Change the place kick after a score position to be facing the goal
post , and not at an angle . Keys to learning the game :
Practice passing in a walking single file ,then running
Practice running in lanes, while the defense mirrors the run forward
Play small sided games ( 3 versus 2, 5 versus 4 ,or 3 versus 5){back passes to a contact
line},then play a miniature version of the game, which is just passing and defense.
Switch positions often .
Content : Co-operation , team work, manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Rugby ball , football , rip tag belts
Recipe . Health and fitness tips :
· Visualize – get a dream , write it down , see it and believe it
· Passion – get others excited about health and exercise ,passion and enthusiasm is contagious
· Develop a healthy attitude – approach life with a positive attitude
· Exercise – every day – aerobic, anaerobic, weight training , band resistance and stretching
· Nutrition- less fat, less sugar , more fiber, balanced diet, drink water
· Commitment- set realistic goals , commit to a program of healthy living, go for the long term
Tchoukball . * Place two goals on each end of the floor similar to a baseball rebounder
or a regulation goal set. * Make a restraining circle in front of each goal.* A goal is
scored while in the air( jump or leap ) from the rebounder , past the restraining area , then
onto the floor.* If the ball is caught by the opposition ,it negates the score * A goal can
be scored at either of the two goals. There is no interception or body contact * There is a
loss of possession if there are more than three consecutive passes * One point is conceded
if the shot doesn’t hit the rebounder * The player with the ball has three seconds to pass
the ball to a teammate * A player may move with the ball for three steps* A fault is
called if the ball touches a leg .* The opposition restarts play , and the first pass doesn’t
count after any restart , including out of bounds * If there is a fault(penalty) , there must
be one pass made * A spot marked 10 feet away is the free throw area .*The play is
similar to team handball * Any ball that is dropped turns into a loss of possession , and a
restart of play .* The defense can’t block or interfere with a shot on goal, instead taking a
position to catch the ball will anticipate a rebound from the goal / frame. * The start of
play is at the half way line * The ball is a team handball or volleyball trainer .
Alternatives : Change the type of ball . Add more or less passes . Make the restraining line closer or farther. The inbounds pass from the sideline counts as a pass . Play more than one game width wise on each side of the basketball court or playground area.
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Volleyball, Gator ball , foam or nerf ball
SEPAK TAKRAW . * The game is played between three players on each side of a
badminton net approximately at head height( 5- 6 feet ).* Make a service circle midway
between the net and back out of bounds line. * The circumference of the ball is smaller
than a tennis ball * The regulation ball is made of rattan and synthetic fiber. The serving
player must have at least one foot in contact with the serving circle .* As soon as the ball
is served , the players may move about the court* There are “quarter” circles ,which the
inside players must stand in until the ball is served* The serve is valid if it passes over or
touches the net( back player) * A simpler approach may be taken as follows:
· The use of hands is not permitted
· Each player may touch the ball only once before it is kicked over the net
· The ball may touch the head, back, legs
· The ball may be tossed by a teammate to the serving circle
· There are several faults / penalties that are called : Feet leaving the serve circle, inside players cross the center line or touches the net , the ball goes over the net , but falls out of play, the ball touches a teammate, the ball touches the arm * Any fault scores one point for the opposition. * After each point there is a change of serve .
Alternatives : Change the height of the net . Change the type of ball ( plastic ball, hacky
sack ball). Since the original serve resorts to many twists , turns and acrobatics, the serve
can be similar to a soccer back kick . Practice with side kicks , placing the ball on the
foot(hacky sack) and flip the ball over the net. Add a punt kick . Allow more than three
kicks. Increase the size of the court . Make two badminton courts side by side . Establish
makeshift courts throughout the gym in many small sided games .
Content : Co-operation , team work , manipulative skills , safety awareness
Equipment : Hacky sack , foam ball, plastic ball
Many times it is essential to modify or adjust the activities to make it easier to teach and
yet , at the same time , to introduce fun fitness resources as an addendum to a fitness or
circuit training activity. This can take the place of regular warm ups / exercises and find
new ways to add excitement for individual improvement .
Fitness Circuit . * Each student will have a fitness sheet and a pencil to record their
scores after each fitness circuit station . * Each week , they will compare their scores in a
four week fitness workout. * Before the circuit begins , they will take their resting heart
rate , and record the score on the fitness sheet. * Demonstrate the proper technique at
each station * Each station will be for thirty seconds , and after writing their scores ,they
will proceed to the next station immediately. * The fitness sheets are placed near their
assigned positions or off to the sideline in a safe area. * Fitness rules :
Give the students numbers to allow them the opportunity to move in numerical order to
the next station .* Play music , and after thirty seconds , move to the next area after
recording the scores . * Fitness circuit description :
- #1 Ab crunch-knees on floor(mat) , feet off floor, push scooter , straight arms, back and forth
- #2 Jump and reach(inches on taped/wall) - vertical jump in inches
- #3 Running - around cones , 1 point per cone passed
- #4 Rope jumping 30 sec
- #5 Step-test, first bleacher(or folded mat) up, up, down, down
- #6 Reverse push-ups(dips) - first bleacher , legs straight , bend , stretch arms
- Take active heart rate upon class completion
The first station is an ab-crunch : There are 4-5 scooters and a tumbling mat ,which the
students use to place their knees , and keep their feet off the floor . Push the scooter with
straight arms to a designated line , back and forth . Count each repetition for a point total.
The second station is a jump and reach area that is marked off on a wall with tape. The
student will jump and touch the marked tape , and record the score in inches . They may
get more than one attempt in the thirty second time limit . They will choose the best score
in the vertical jump .
The third station is a running activity around traffic cones , which are placed on the corners of the basketball court. Each cone that is passed counts as one point . If the time
limit expires at the mid way area between two cones .The score is for an extra cone.
The fourth station is a rope jumping activity , which the students will count their total
number of jumps in the designated time allotment .
The fifth station is a step test on a the first bleacher step or a folded tumbling mat . Each
time the student completes the up, up , down, down sequence will score one point .
The sixth station is a reverse push up on the first bleacher or a folded tumbling mat . Each
repetition of the arms down and up counts as one point.
The last area is the active heart rate upon completion of all the tests . If some students
finish before others , they will jog in place until all have finished. At that point , they will
find their pressure points and record the numbers on the fitness sheet.
Each week they repeat the process , record the scores ,and try to either match or better
their scores from the previous attempts .
There are related activities in a makeshift equipment set up that can be utilized in a
variety of fun fitness activities . The cost is either minimal or free with available
materials . Here are some examples of what can be done to keep the students moving in a
fitness , agility and coordination sequence.
Dot Jump and Hop . * Make six to eight dot jump areas a safe distance apart .* The
arrangement resembles a triangle formation placed on top of one another with a six dot
total. * The dots can be made from materials ,such as duct tape or colored tape found in
most hardware or craft stores. * Establish an individual time limit the dot-jumps are done
back and forth * On the next turn , try to beat a previous performance:
- Student jumps from dot to dot
- Student hops from dot to dot
- Student hops or jumps and reverse turn, repeat back
- Count seconds on jumps and hops
- Make many dot grids throughout the gym
- Repeat for personal improvement
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Place a golf tube inside a cone with hard cardboard glued or duct tape in (four colors)
- Student may touch (hand) kick(karate) or use an implement to touch
- One student calls out a color in order or have a tape/CD with the color names called .
- Thirty(30) second time limit
- Count total of correct touches with hand, foot, or designated implement
- Beat previous score for individual improvement
- Make 8-12 different areas with colored balloons
As a variation use different colored balloons instead of the cardboard colors . Water
noodles can be used to touch the balloons or colored cardboard. Choose a new student
to call out the colors each time .
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1. Students face a sidewall or bleacher with three different colors .
2. Use a shower curtain , tarp or large cardboard cutout for the objects the students will throw, kick or strike with a racquet.
3. The students will try to hit ,kick or strike the colored circles
4. Establish a rover , who stands behind a student for retrieval of the designated ball and to call out a color in a selected sequence ( red, blue , green or red, red, green)
5. Use a variety of balls ( wiffleball, tennis ball , gator ball )
6. The rover becomes the next player to score points
7. Score one point for each successful color ( one minute time limit)
8. Make many wall designs around the gym area for more touch time
As a variation place different colored Frisbees on the wall attached with duct tape .
Change the distance . Make sure the area is at a safe distance from the other targets.
Play arcade music for more creativity and enthusiasm.
Recipe .Any time you can use an extension from the regular physical education class for
the students to practice at home with family or friends , will be an exemplary carry over
for lifelong learners .